Physical Address:
16 Kent Road
Howell, NJ 07731
Next to WaWa

CHIEF Robert DeLeo
CAPTAIN Michelle McCarthy
1st LIEUTENANT Christopher Maher
2nd LIEUTENANT Connor Maher
1st SERGEANT Brian Foran
VICE PRESIDENT Thomas Tyrrell*
TREASURER Brian McCarthy
SECRETARY Kevin McKnight*
TRUSTEE Robert Morris*
TRUSTEE Patti Williams*
TRUSTEE Mark Pilecki
CHAPLAIN Seth Haber*

MEMBERS ( * denotes Life Member )
- ARAKKAL, LIDHU (EMT) serving since 2020
- ARRIGO, CHARLES (EMT) serving since 2024
- ARCHER, DREW serving since 2021
- BRACHFELD, SHAYA (EMT) serving since 2016
- BUTTO, SABRINA (EMT) serving since 2018
- CAMPOREALE, DANIELLA (EMT) serving since 2022
- DE LEO, ROBERT (EMT) serving since 2016, previous offices- Chief, Captain, 2 Lieutenant, 1st Sergeant, 2nd Sergeant, 3rd Sergeant
- DEMATTEO, CONNOR serving since 2024
- DiGIOIA, BELLA (EMT) serving since 2021
- DREW, JACOB (EMT) serving since 2023
- ERNST, JEFFREY serving since 2018
- *FORAN, BRYAN (EMT) serving since 2005, previous offices- 1st Sergeant, 2nd Sergeant, 3rd Sergeant, Trustee
- *FORAN, MICHAEL serving since 2007- previous office- Vice President
- *GLADE, MARY serving since 1993, previous office- 1st Sergeant and 2nd Sergeant
- GIFFORD, MATT (EMT) serving since 2019
- GOODMAN, DAVID (EMT) serving since 2022
- GRAHAM, MIRANDA serving since 2023
- GUILMETTE, PATRICK (EMT) serving since 2022
- *HABER, SETH (EMT) serving since 1997, previous offices- 2nd Sergeant, 3rd Sergeant, Corporal, Chaplain
- KADOSH, MEIR (EMT) serving since 2023
- MACE, EDWARD (EMT) serving since 2022
- MAHER, CHRISTOPHER (EMT) serving since 2016, previous office- 2nd Sergeant
- MAHER, CONNOR (EMT) serving since 2016, previous office- 1st Sergeant
- McCARTHY, MICHELLE (EMT) serving since 2015, previous offices- Captain, 1st Lieutenant
- McCLAUGHLIN, LUKE (EMT) serving since 2020
- *McKNIGHT, KEVIN serving since 1999, previous offices- President, Vice President and Secretary
*MORRIS, ROBERT serving since 1980, previous offices- President, Vice President, Trustee, Lieutenant, and Sergeant
- NOCKS, JOSHUA serving since 2011
- OMSLAER, PARKER (EMT) serving since 2022
- ORDONEZ, GABRIEL (EMT) serving since 2014
- REALMUTO, NATALIE serving since 2021
- REEVES, TAMARA serving since 2022
- ROSSBACH, RYAN (EMT) serving since 2022
- SPRINGER, JOSEPH serving since 2023
- *STEINER, BENJAMIN (EMT) serving since 2016, previous offices- 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Sergeant, 2nd Sergeant, 3rd Sergeant, Corporal
- STERN, SHLOMO (EMT) serving since 2016
- *TYRRELL, THOMAS serving since 1992- previous offices- Vice-President, Trustee
- WESSON, STEVEN (EMT) serving since 2005
- *WILLIAMS, DAWN (EMT) serving since 2004, previous offices- 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, 2nd Sergeant, 3rd Sergeant, Corporal
- *WILLIAMS, PATTI (EMT) serving since 1984, previous offices- 1st Lieutenant, 1st Sergeant, 2nd Sergeant, 3rd Sergeant, President, Vice President, Secretary, Trustee
- *ZICHA, JOHN serving since 1998, previous offices- 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Sergeant, 2nd Sergeant, 3rd Sergeant, President, Trustee
- AMBROSINO, STEVEN joined in 2015
- BRUSCHI, GIANNA (EMT) joined in 2019
- CONLIN, KRISTEN (EMT) serving since 2021
- DEMATTEO, AMANDA joined in 2010
- ENGLAND, TY (EMT) joined in 2012 previous offices- 2nd Lieutenant, 1st, 2nd, 3rd Sergeant, Corporal
- GERGUIS, VERENA (EMT) serving since 2020
- GOLDSTEIN, MORDY joined in 2018
- KALASH, ANDREW (EMT) joined in 2013
- KALASH, JENNIFER (EMT) joined in 2013
- LANG, ALYSSA (EMT) serving since 2016
- McCARTHY, BRIAN serving since 2018- previous office- Treasurer
- MONOKER, MIKE (EMT) joined in 2016
- NOONAN, LIAM (EMT) serving since 2022
- PILECKI, MARK (EMT) joined in 2005- previous office-Trustee
- RINNYK, EVAN (EMT) serving since 2017
- SPENGLER, AMANDA (EMT) joined in 2010- previous office- Secretary
- SAAL, LAUREN (EMT) serving since 2016
- SULEWSKI, JOSEPH (EMT) joined in 2015
- TIMPONE, JENNIFER (EMT) joined in 2018
- WEISS, MEIR (EMT) joined in 2019
** Indicates a deceased member
- ARAUJO, EDWARD (EMT) joined in 1987
- BAKST, MOTTI (EMT-P) serving since 2001, previous offices- 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Sergeant, 2nd Sergeant, 3rd sergeant, Corporal
- BELLAMY SR., RUSSELL joined in 1957** previous offices- Secretary, 2ns Lieutenant
- BLAKE, JESSE (EMT) joined 1996- previous offices- 2nd Sergeant, 3rd Sergeant
- BONDAREW, NICHOLAS (EMT) joined 1996- previous office- 2nd Lieutenant
- BOROWSKI, JOHN** CHARTER MEMBER joined in 1957- previous office- Trustee
- BROPHY, PETER joined 1991- previous office- Treasurer
- CAPPER, DANIEL joined in 1978- previous offices- Captain, 2nd Lieutenant, Sergeant, Vice President
- CARVAHLO, TANYA** joined in 1979- previous office- Chaplain
- CHRIST, PAUL (EMT) joined in 2003, previous offices- 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, 2nd Sergeant, 3rd Sergeant and Corporal
- CIAMARRA, RAY (EMT) serving since 2005, previous offices- 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Sergeant, Trustee
- COFFEY, KENNETH joined 1991, previous offices- 1st Sergeant, 2nd Sergeant, Corporal
- CULLEN, GERARD "ROD"** CHARTER MEMBER joined 1957, previous offices- Captain, 2nd Lieutenant, Sergeant, Treasurer
- DABROWSKI, STANLEY (EMT) serving since 1997, previous offices- 3rd Sergeant, Corporal
- DEMATTEO, ANTHONY (EMT) serving since 2010 previous offices- Chief, Captain, 2nd Lieutenant, 2nd Sergeant, 3rd Sergeant
- DEMATTEO, CHRISTINE (EMT) serving since 2007 previous offices- Vice President and Truste
- DEMATTEO, DAVID (EMT) serving since 1986, previous offices- Captain, 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Sergeant, 2nd Sergeant , 3rd Sergeant, Corporal
- DEMATTEO, JEFF (EMT) serving since 1992, previous offices- Captain, 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, President, Vice President, Trustee
- DESIDERIO, LUCY joined in 1992- previous office- Treasurer
- DONAHUE, MICHAEL joined in 1983- previous offices- 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Sergeant, 2nd Sergeant, Corporal
- DILLARD, FIELDING joined in 1972- previous office- Treasurer
- FEDEROVICH, STANLEY joined in 1985- previous office- Captain, 2nd Lieutenant
- FENICHEL, MARVIN joined in 1962- previous offices- President, Secretary, Lieutenant
- FLEURETON, KEVIN (EMT) serving since 1991, previous office- 1st Sergeant, 2nd Sergeant, 3rd Sergeant, Financial Secretary
- FONSHILL, RONALD** joined in 1957
- FRIEDMAN, RICHARD (EMT) serving since 2008, previous office- 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Sergeant, 2nd Sergeant, 3rd Sergeant, Corporal
- GIBSON, STEVE joined 1997, previous office- President
- GREENBERG, LOU** joined in 1958- previous offices- Captain, Secretary
- HAYES, DIANE joined in 1986
- HAYES, GERALD** Joined in 196?- previous office- Sergeant, Secretary and Chaplain
- HEIN SR., JOHN** CHARTER MEMBER joined 1957, previous office- Vice President
- HEIN, PAUL** CHARTER MEMBER joined in 1957- previous office- 1st Lieutenant
- HINES, FRANK joined in 1990- previous offices- 1st Sergeant and 2nd Sergeant
- HUBERT, WILLIAM joined 1997, previous offices- 3rd Sergeant and Corporal
- JACKEL, BARBARA** joined 1989, previous offices- President, Vice President, Treasurer
- KEATS, EVAN joined 1997- previous offices- 1st Sergeant, 2nd Sergeant, 3rd Sergeant, Corporal
- KLINK, GEORGE (EMT) joined in 1979
- KOHAN, KATHLEEN joined in 1978- past office- Secretary
- KORENY, CHARLES** CHARTER MEMBER joined 1957 previous offices- Captain, President, Vice President, Trustee
- KUNZ, DONALD (EMT)** joined in 1977- previous offices- Captain, 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Sergeant, Treasurer, Trustee
- KUNZ, MATTHEW (EMT) joined 1986, previous offices- Captain, 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Sergeant, 2nd Sergeant, President, Treasurer
- KUNZ, RONALD (EMT) joined 1975, previous offices- Captain (acting), 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, President, Secretary, Trustee
- LANG, HERMAN** CHARTER MEMBER joined 1957, previous offices- Captain, Sergeant
- MANDELKOW, BILLY (EMT) joined in 2007 previous offices- Vice President, 2nd Sergeant, 3rd Sergeant, Corporal
- MANGELS, THOMAS (EMT) serving since 1983, previous office- Trustee, State Delegate
- MALAYTER, JOHN** CHARTER MEMBER joined 1957, previous office- Captain, 1st Lieutenant, Sergeant, President, State Delegate, Trustee, Chaplain
- MALAYTER, WILLIAM CHARTER MEMBER joined 1957, Previous office- Captain, 2nd Lieutenant, Sergeant, Trustee
- MCGRATH, JOHN joined 1992, previous offices- 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Sergeant, President
- MENSCHNER, JOHN** FOUNDER joined 1957, previous offices- Captain, 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Sergeant, 2nd Sergeant, President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, Trustee
- MICHAU, MICHAEL** joined in 1996 (passed away while serving as a member in 2001)
- MORRIS, TIMOTHY (EMT) serving since 2010, past office- 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Sergeant, 2nd Sergeant, Corporal and Trustee
- MYERS, EDWARD** joined in 1959, previous office- President, Vice President*NOLA, JOSHUA (EMT) serving since 2013, previous office- 2nd Sergeant, Trustee
- O'BRIEN, KEN joined in 1979- past office- 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, Trustee
- PASKO, BRIAN (EMT) joined in 1999
- PATE, JOSEPH** joined in 2009 (passed away while serving as a member in 2010)*PERAS, PERAS, ZACHARY (EMT) serving since 2010, previous office- 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Sergeant, 3rd Sergeant, Vice President, Trustee
- PERCOCO, ED joined in 1968- previous office- President
- PIWOWARSKI, JOE joined in 1978- previous office- Captain, 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, Secretary
- PORSCHE, SR. DAVID** joined 1999, previous office- Trustee (passed away in office)
- PRIOLI, NICK (EMT)** serving since 1999, previous office- 2nd Sergeant, 3rd Sergeant, Corporal, Treasurer, Trustee
- QUAGLIA,CHRISTINE** joined in 1986- previous offices- Vice President, Trustee**
- RAINEY, JOHN (EMT) joined in 1975- previous offices- Captain, 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Sergeant, President, Trustee
- RYAN, JOHN** CHARTER MEMBER joined 1957 previous offices- 1st Lieutenant, 2nd Sergeant, Vice President, Secretary
- SHAUGER, DERWOOD** CHARTER MEMBER joined 1957, previous office- Trustee
- SCHLOSSER, JEAN** joined in 1985, previous office Vice President, Secretary, Trustee
- SCHUBACK, AL** CHARTER MEMBER joined 1957, previous offices- Treasurer, Secretary, State Delegate
- SHAIN, SIM joined 1993, previous office- 1st Sergeant, 2nd Sergeant, 3rd Sergeant
- SKJEVELAND, RICHARD joined in 1972- previous offices- President, Vice President
- STICKLES, LES** CHARTER MEMBER joined 1957 previous office- 1st LieutenantSWAN, SULLIVAN, ROBERT C. serving since 1994- previous offices- 2nd Lieutenant, 1st Sergeant, 2nd Sergeant, 3rd Sergeant, President, Vice President, Trustee
- CHARLES ** CHARTER MEMBER joined in 1957- previous offices- Trustee, TreasrerTHOMAS, CHARLES "CHIC"** joined in 1960- past offices- Captain and Chaplain
- TUZNEW, DAVE "JINX"** CHARTER MEMBER joined 1957, previous offices- 1st Lieutenant, Sergeant, Trustee
- VARRICCHIO, TRISH (EMT) serving since 2001- previous offices- Treasurer, Secretary and Trustee
- WHITE, HENRY** CHARTER MEMBER joined 1957, previous office- Trustee
Past Captain 1957-2020
Past Chief 2021-Present Past Presidents
* denotes Life Member * denotes Life Member
2024- Robert De Leo 2024- John Zicha*
2023- Anthony DeMatteo*/ Robert De Leo 2023- John Zicha*
2022- Anthony DeMatteo* 2022- John Zicha*
2021- Anthony DeMatteo* 2021- John Zicha*
2020- Anthony DeMatteo 2020- John Zicha*
2019- Anthony DeMatteo 2019- John Zicha*
2018- Jeff Dematteo* 2018- John Zicha*
2017- Jeff Dematteo* 2017- John Zicha*
2016- Jeff Dematteo* 2016- John Zicha*
2015- Jeff Dematteo* 2015- John Zicha*
2014- Jeff Dematteo* 2014- John Zicha*
2013- Jeff Dematteo* 2013- John Zicha*
2012- Jeff Dematteo* 2012- Robert Morris*
2011- Jeff Dematteo* 2011- Robert Morris*
2010- Jeff Dematteo* 2010- Robert Morris*
2009- Jeff Dematteo* 2009- Robert Morris* / Brad Reiter
2008- Jeff Dematteo* 2008- Ian Morton / Kevin McKnight*
2007- Jeff Dematteo* 2007- Jayme Higgins
2006- Jeff Dematteo* 2006- Jayme Higgins
2005- Jeff Dematteo* 2005- Thomas Campagna
2004- Jeff Dematteo* 2004- Thomas Campagna
2003- Jeff Dematteo* 2003- Steven Gibson*
2002- Jeff Dematteo* 2002- John McGrath*
2001- Jeff Dematteo* 2001- John McGrath*
2000- Jeff Dematteo* 2000- Robert C. Sullivan*
1999- Matt Kunz* 1999- Jeff DeMatteo*
1998- Matt Kunz* 1998- Jeff DeMatteo*
1997- Dave DeMatteo* 1997- Patti Schlosser-Williams*
1996- Ed Moore 1996- Patti Schlosser-Williams*
1995- Ed Moore 1995- Tom Brugnoli
1994- Dave DeMatteo* / Jimmy Linquist 1994- Ronny Kunz*
1993- Matt Kunz* 1993- Barbara Jackel*
1992- Don Kunz* 1992- Sal Giaimo
1991- Don Kunz* 1991- Matt Kunz*
1990- Don Kunz* 1990- Patti Schlosser-Williams*
1989- Stan Federovich 1989- Jeff Glaser
1988- John Rainey* 1988- Barbara Jackel*
1987- Graham Dillaway 1987- Barbara Jackel*
1986- Graham Dillaway 1986- John Rainey*
1985- Danny Capper* 1985- John Rainey*
1984- Joe Piorowski* 1984- Champ Coddington
1983- Danny Capper* 1983- Champ Coddington
1982- Paul Jones 1982- Nancy Layton
1981- Paul Jones 1981- John Menschner*
1980- Jack Firrman 1980- Paul Jones
1979- Larry Shaver / Ronny Kunz* 1979- Robert Moldoff
1978- Larry Shaver / Don Kunz* 1978- Jack Firrman
1977- Jack Firrman 1977- Richard Skjeveland*
1976- Jack Firrman 1976- Terry Firrman
1975- Jack Firrman 1975- Richard Skjeveland*
1975- B. Fosgreen
1974- Paul Thomson 1974- John Menschner*
1973- Paul Thomson / Jim Wendolek 1973- Sal Giamo
1972- Jim Wendolek 1972- Ed Percoco*
1971- Jack Barnett 1971- Ed Percoco*
1970- Lou Greenberg* 1970- Marvin Fenichel*
1969- Lou Greenberg* 1969- Marvin Fenichel*
1968- Charles Koreny* 1968- Marvin Fenichel*
1967- No Records 1967- John Csikos
1966- John Malayter* 1966- Jack Barnett
1965- John Malayter* 1965- Jack Barnett
1964- John Malayter* 1964- Charles Koreny*
1963- Gerard "Rod" Cullen 1963- John Hein*
1962- John Menschner* 1962- Ed Myers*
1961- Bill Malayter* 1961- John Malayter*
1960- Bill Malayter* 1960- John Malayter*
1959- John Menschner* 1959- Al Schubach*
1958- John Menschner* 1958- Charles Koreny*
1957- John Menschner * 1957- Charles Koreny*

The Star of Life represents
6 points of the EMS system
On Scene Care
Care In Transit
ansfer to Difinitive Care